Wetland Ecology
Wetland Ecology Field Experience
Dr. Tiffany Schriever takes students out to the Kalamazoo River to gain hands-on field experience.
Photo 1: Ben Eiler (undergraduate field assistant in Schriever lab, person without waders) and students in Wetland Ecology (BIOS 5515) taking water quality measurements.

Photo 2: Maxwell McNeill, field assistant in Schriever lab holding crayfish.

Photo 3: Stonefly nymph.

Photo 4: Dr. Schriever teaching Iris Hunter (undergrad) how to use a flow meter.

Photo 5: Students in Wetland Ecology looking at a sample from the Kalamazoo River. Sam Schmidt (undergrad), Lilly Hollingsworth (graduate student), and Adam Austin (graduate student).

Photo 6: Student in Wetland Ecology.

Photo 7: Undergraduate students looking at an invertebrate sample.