Software requests for computer classrooms

Faculty requests for course software for the computer-aided engineering center in Floyd Hall are made by contacting Matt Fackler, director of information technology. Instructors are encouraged to submit software requests as early as possible, and must adhere to the deadlines below.

(269) 276-3276 | Email Matt Fackler

Deadlines for software requests

Due to the complexity of adding software to the center's computer image, the following deadlines for software submissions have been set.

  • Fall semester: May 15
  • Spring semester: November 13
  • Summer I and II semesters: March 15

Software licensing is the responsibility of the faculty member. If the current licensing is unavailable before the deadline, an earlier version of the software may be used if it complies with the University’s technology compliance review requirements.

Software deadlines are in place because whenever software is updated or modified, staff members must retest all previously installed software to ensure it works as expected.

Instructional software requests

All software used for instructional purposes must have a completed technology compliance review.

Begin a technology compliance review

It is the course instructor’s responsibility to complete the technology compliance review. This is a multi-week process involving Western's legal department and the Office of Information Technology.

The course instructor is responsible for adequately testing the software functionality for their courses.