Concrete canoe team mixes recipe for success

Dr. Osama Abudayyeh, ASCE Faculty Advisor, observing the team during casting.

WMU’s concrete canoe team just finished Casting Day 2020, the day the team constructs the canoe troweling concrete using a pre-formed mold. The team is getting ready for race day in April, when members will compete against other schools in the region – both off and on the water. The annual competition sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) involves up to 11 schools from Michigan and nearby states. This year’s event is being hosted by Ohio Northern University in Ada, Ohio.

The pizza themed canoe -- named “Supreme” was cast on Saturday, January 25. The team follows the industry and ASTM C94 standard for Ready Mix concrete that dictates only a 90-minute window to work with the concrete starting when the cement first reacts with water.

With minimal time to work with the concrete, things are very hectic and the team can face many challenges during the casting process. One of the challenges this year was the reinforcement mesh slipping when the team started to apply the second layer of concrete. "Personally, the challenge was communication. The room is full people and my voice doesn't always get heard when I need someone to check the depth of the canoe where I am troweling," added Emily Lange, Construction Lead and Co-Captain.

When asked what they are most looking forward to at competition, Jarrett Nuyen, Project Manager and Co-Captain said, "Potentially racing this year because the races have been cancelled the past two years of competition." Emily Lange is looking forward to getting through Saturday. "The presentation is such a stressful process, and getting through that part of the day is what is most satisfying."

The next steps for the team are to finish the technical design paper and let the canoe cure for 28 days. Once the canoe has cured, the team will sand and apply coloring agents and seal the canoe to be ready for competition.