IISE members at display table

Learn more about IISE

What is IISE about?

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is a nationally recognized professional organization comprised of industrial engineers. Industrial and systems engineering is concerned with the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems of people, materials, information, equipment and energy. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skills in the mathematical, physical and social sciences as well as the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems.

Types of Events

Professional development

These events are strong resume builders and are offered yearly through IISE at a discounted price.

  • Six Sigma Certifications.
  • Lean Green Belt Certifications.

Panels discussions

  • Graduate Student panels—Each year, engineering graduate students speak about master’s and Ph.D. programs in industrial engineering.
  • Employer nights—Multiple times each year, IISE hosts southwest Michigan employers that hire industrial engineers to speak about on-boarding and day-to-day job expectations.
  • Alumni panels – IISE invites alumni from various industries and careers to provide advice and answer questions.

Regional and national conferences

  • IISE members attend the annual Great Lakes regional conference, which includes a full weekend of networking with other universities.

Student centered events

  • Resume building – Help build your resume prior to the Engineering Expo (the largest career fair of the year) using our in house career development team to share helpful tips and tricks to give yourself the upper hand on your resume
  • Mock interviews – Give yourself the opportunity prior to internship/job interviews with mock interviews with the in house career development team
  • Senior Design celebration—Watch the IEE seniors share their yearlong senior design projects. Afterwards, IISE celebrates them with pizza and conversation about the projects each semester
  • Textbook exchange—IISE offers other IEE students the opportunity to exchange textbooks with each other for classes they have already taken to help lower the cost of schooling
  • Volunteering—IISE volunteers at STEM related events each year like Science Olympiad Regionals
  • Bowling and other fun events—Network with other IEE majors while having fun

Fast facts