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Science Olympiad at WMU

Explore the World of Science

A premier activity that immerses your students in the whatever areas of STEAM and STEM that excites them. Science Olympiad is competition-based and is similar to a track meet with an Olympic feel around differing events with awards and a little pageantry thrown in!

Western Michigan University will host the region 10 Science Olympiad tournament on Saturday, March 16, 2024, and the Michigan State Finals on Saturday, May 4, 2024. Both events will be held on main campus.

View campus maps and parking information.

Science Olympiad competitions are like academic track meets, consisting of a series of 23 team events in each division (Division B is middle school; Division C is high school). Each year, a portion of the events are rotated to reflect the ever-changing nature of genetics, earth science, chemistry, anatomy, physics, geology, mechanical engineering and technology.

By combining events from all disciplines, Science Olympiad encourages a wide cross-section of students to get involved. Emphasis is placed on active, hands-on group participation.

Through Science Olympiad, students, teachers, parents, principals and business leaders bond together and work toward a shared goal.

  • State Tournament: Saturday, May 4

    On May 4, WMU is hosting the 2024 Michigan Science Olympiad State Tournament, bringing approximately 1,500-2,000 students who were the top winners from each of Michigan's regional events.

    View the schedule.

    View food options available on campus. 

    Important forms:

    • Code of Ethics (one per team)
    • Roster/Principal Certification (Students need to be listed on the roster page and assigned to the team. 15 students max, with no more than 7 seniors for division C or 5 ninth graders for division B. Two alternate students may be assigned to the team, but they must be marked as alternates on the roster page. One per team will be collected.  Note: this also serves as a media release form.)
    • Medical Information (One for each student. You may use your school’s approved form, and should, if your school has their own.)
    • Permission Slip (One for each student. You may use your school’s approved form, and should, if your school has their own.)
    • Information Use Authorization Form
  • Region 10 Tournament: Saturday, March 16

    The region 10 Science Olympiad tournament at WMU includes schools from nine counties bringing approximately 750 students together on WMU's main campus in Kalamazoo.  There is a division for middle school teams and a division for high school teams. Students will compete in their choices of 23 different events, encompassing  a very broad variety of possible STEM related subjects.

    View Region 10 Science Olympiad Schedule


    • Middle school teams in their Division (“B”). May have as many as 15 students per team.
    • High school teams in their Division (“C”). May have as many as 15 students per team.

    Where: Main Campus of WMU, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Specific locations will be announced in early 2024.

    Why: Increase proficiency of student performances in STEM and promote exploration of future careers in STEM and STEAM related fields.

    Information for administrators

    This event will allow for you to showcase your school and your students. It can be a big draw and bragging point for your district. You will be able to make the case that you offer more for your students academically and socially than other area districts. It will also allow you lots of photo-ops with kids winning medals in academic events!  (Think newsletters and newspapers). Most importantly, students learn! Scores go up, students excel and lessons are learned that students will carry with them for their whole lives. Contact us to help you help your district/building get involved!

    Important forms:

    • Roster/Principal Certification (Students need to be listed on the roster page and assigned to the team. 15 students max, with no more than 7 seniors for division C or 5 ninth graders for division B. Two alternate students may be assigned to the team, but they must be marked as alternates on the roster page. One per team will be collected.  Note: this also serves as a media release form.)
    • Medical Information (One for each student. You may use your school’s approved form, and should, if your school has their own.)
    • Permission Slip (One for each student. You may use your school’s approved form, and should, if your school has their own.)
    • Final Registration Form (on the day of the event, coaches must submit a printed final registration form)
    • Information Use Authorization Form


Interested in volunteering?

We need your support in making the Michigan Science Olympiad State Tournament a success!


Volunteering for Science Olympiad events

  • Beyond our direct University family, we welcome the help from the community, former Science Olympians, science aficionados and, of course, our WMU alumni.

    Marty Buehler, director of WMU Science Olympiad

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