Dr. Nickola "Nicki" Wolf Nelson retires after 35 years at WMU

At a gathering on Tuesday, Aug. 9, faculty and staff from the College of Health and Human Services and across the University came together to celebrate the retirement of Dr. Nicki Nelson, who retired after a distinguished career and 35 years at WMU.

Dr. Earlie Washington, dean of the college, hosted the event and spoke briefly about Dr. Nelson's contributions.

"I want to thank Nicki for the research and scholarship standards that she has defined and exceeded in the Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology and in the Ph.D. Program in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences," said Dean Washington. "She has been an unimaginable asset to the College of Health and Human Services and has meant the world to her colleagues and, of course, to the many students she’s had over the years."

As a parting gift, Dean Washington gave Nicki an official declaration, naming Dr. Nelson's former office in her honor. A plaque will soon be installed outside room 2574 in the Ph.D. suite that the room has been named in honor of Dr. Nickola “Nicki” W. Nelson.

Dr. Nickola "Nicki" Nelson had been a member of the faculty at Western Michigan University since 1981 and director of the Ph.D. program in interdisciplinary health sciences since 2004. She was named the Charles Van Riper Professor in the Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology for 2005 to 2008. Dr. Nelson also received the CHHS Faculty Research Excellence Award in 2013.