Interprofessional Education
Just as interprofessional teams are now the norm in health care, interprofessional education is becoming the norm in health care and human services education. The College of Health and Human Services at WMU is pleased to be on the leading edge of this movement.
Download the CHHS Interprofessional Curriculum Schematic
With varied disciplines housed in the college, there is ample opportunity for students to collaborate in classrooms, labs and simulations. That was part of the vision that brought these departments and schools together under one roof in 2005. There are a number of interprofessional projects ongoing in the college. Those include:
Interprofessional Peer Education and Evidence for Recovery - I-PEER
Documentation about IPEC's Four Competencies
1. Values/ethics for Interprofessional Practice
2. Roles/Responsibilities
3. Interprofessional Communication
4. Teams and Teamwork
IPE Instruments
Suggested assessment tools, vetted through IPE organizations and the CHHS committee
2022 Discharge Simulation
In April 2022, we held a discharge simulation for first year students.
Outcomes (based on student feedback):