Alumni return to present at a public forum and join Outstanding Alumni Academy

On Friday, Oct. 24, nine College of Health and Human Services graduates returned to join the college’s Outstanding Alumni Academy and to share their experience and expertise. At 1 p.m. in room 1010, academy inductees presented and served as respondents at a public forum and conversational exchange on the importance of interprofessionlism in creating effective public policy and improved health and human services provision—and outcomes—in all areas of society. 

Interprofessionalism is a core tenet of the College of Health and Human Services Strategic Plan and the variety of professions represented by the 2014 slate provided for a broad and interprofessional perspective in relation to those topics. Outstanding alumni spoke about an instance in their careers in which working interprofessionally was essential to accomplishing a goal and shared lessons learned from that experience. This was followed by an open discussion among alumni and attendees.

At 4 p.m., constituents gathered for the Outstanding Alumni Academy induction, program and reception in room 4010. Dean Earlie Washington welcomed attendees, with Graduate College Dean Susan Stapleton and Development and Alumni Relations Engagement Manager Kyle Herm adding their comments. Program leaders introduced their inductees, who each accepted a certificate and award and shared the memories, meaning and value of their educational experience with the College of Health and Human Services. Alumni continued the celebration as guests of WMU Development and Alumni Relations at the Distinguished Alumni Awards Reception in the East Ballroom of Bernhard Center.


Dean Washington delivers the welcome at Outstanding Alumni event.


Alumni panel presents at forum.