Louella Bradley Endowed Scholarship

Since 1969, Psi Iota Xi's Eta Omicron chapter in Kalamazoo, Mich., has supported the field of speech pathology and audiology with donations to Western Michigan University's Van Riper Speech Clinic and College of Health and Human Services' Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology. This year, Psi Iota Xi Eta Omicron has chosen to support WMU by establishing an endowment in honor of one of its most admired members, Louella Bradley.
Members of Psi Iota Xi Eta Omicron say Bradley's love and joy shine in whatever she does. They believe her dedication, enthusiasm and never-ending efforts have helped lead their chapter in its service to others. Bradley served as the first president in 1969 and has continued to lead the chapter as well as serving as president of the Psi Iota Xi state organization. Members note that Louella tells it as it is, is a great problem solver, and is always willing to serve and to learn.
The Psi Iota Xi Louella Bradley Endowed Scholarship will benefit graduate students in the WMU Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology.