Outstanding Customer Service Award Nomination Form

Submit information about your nominee below. Criteria and considerations are below the form. Read more about the Outstanding Customer Service Award.

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Selection Criteria

The following eight staff service goals for customer service are the performance criteria for all College of Health and Human Services staff members and the primary criteria for the service award. Staff members who best exemplify these goals will be recognized with the Outstanding Customer Service Award.

  1. Offer assistance to diverse groups with varying needs.
  2. Introduce yourself in person and on the phone, and identify your college, department, school or area to unknown callers and people.
  3. Listen to people intently.
  4. Let people know that their efforts are appreciated.
  5. Follow up if you refer someone to another staff member.
  6. Solve problems and respond to complaints without blaming others.
  7. Respond to inquiries and requests the same day if possible.
  8. If possible, escort people who ask for directions to their destination.

Selection considerations

  • Quality, thoroughness and persuasiveness of nomination
  • Quality, thoroughness and persuasiveness of support for nomination
  • Number of times the staff member has been nominated in previous calls for nomination
  • Length of nominee's service with the College of Health and Human Services