Mioara Diaconu
Western Michigan University
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5354 USA

- Ph.D., The University of Texas at Arlington
- M.S.A., Andrews University
- M.S.W., Andrews University
Prior to joining the School of Social Work at Western Michigan University in 2015, Dr. Mioara Diaconu worked for the past three years as an Associate Professor and MSW Program Director at Southern Adventist University. Prior to SAU, she worked at Andrews University for five years in various capacities: in the Social Work Program as an Assistant Professor, in the Community Development Program (CIDP) as professor and the Program Director, and in the Physical Therapy Program as the Research Coordinator. Some of Dr. Diaconu’s research, consultancy, and teaching areas of expertise are: health (HIV/AIDS), forced and volunteer migration, emergency management (preparedness, response, rebuilding, mitigation, crisis response, and psychological 1st AID), program cycle management (needs assessment, program development, evaluation), and sustainable community development, among others.