
Stay connected

Welcome home, social work Broncos! We'd love to stay in touch with you. Fill out our quick and easy update form and let us know how you'd like to be connected. We're so proud that you are a part of our legacy. Below are some resources you may find helpful in your social work career.


Social work licensure (including the exam required) is regulated by state governments and varies from state to state. If moving to a different state is in your life plan, we recommend you explore the licensing regulations for social workers on the respective state's government website.

The Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) administers social work exams nationwide, but the type of test taken varies by state requirements.

Social work employment

Looking for a job? Check out our Facebook page for the most current postings! If you have a position to post, please submit a request to join our group. Once approved, you may post open positions including internship positions. The Career and Student Employment Services website also has a great list of alumni career resources!