
  1. If a student fails one or more classes, then the student gets placed on Probation 1 for the next semester.
  2. If that student then fails one or more classes in the following semester, the student gets placed on Probation 2, and is automatically given a contract, which must be signed at a meeting with the CELCIS chair or the CELCIS assistant director.
  3. If a Probation 2/Contract student fails any class the next semester, the student may be dismissed from the program. NOTE: The CELCIS chair reserves the right to dismiss students who are not on probation, or on Probation 1 in certain circumstances such as excessive absences or inappropriate behavior.
  4. If a student on Probation 1 or 2 passes all of his/her classes for the semester, then the probation status will be removed. 
  5. Students on Probation 2 will not be able to receive a travel signature on their I-20 form until the final progress report becomes available on the last day of the semester. This is not the same as the last day of classes. Be sure to confirm the last day of the semester.
  6. With the permission of the CELCIS chair, students who have been dismissed from CELCIS may be eligible to return after taking a minimum of one academic semester (fall or spring) off. If students are given permission to return, they will not be on probation when they re-start their classes. Probation status does not carry over for students who have been dismissed.
  7. Students who have been dismissed twice are not eligible to return to CELCIS.