Forums and workshops

From Social Work to Social Movements: Being Allies in the Fight to Dismantle Systems of Oppression

Posted by Nicholas Postelli for College of Health and Human Services

Virtual Training Information

Note: This event takes place on April 15 AND 22, and the price includes BOTH days of training! 

This offering is built on Synchronous and Asynchronous platforms and offers 12 Social Work CEUs. This event is hosted by Western Michigan University's College of Health and Human Services, Kalamazoo, Michigan via Webex. Link and ancillary materials will be sent to all registrants approximately 24 hours prior to the conference.

Session Description

This two day workshop/seminar is designed to have participants think about how systems of power and oppression function in our communities and how social movements are central to challenging the power of those systems of power. We will investigate contemporary social movements, learn the value of a power analysis, discuss the difference between social change and social services, and learn other organizing skills and best practices for transformational change.

Learning Objectives: 

1. Discuss how systems of power, privilege and oppression function historically and currently in the U.S.

2. Understand of the critical role that social movements play in creating structural change.

3. Distinguish the difference between strategies and tactics for social change.

4. Examine how power is conferred and maintained through private and public sector institutions.

5. Discuss how to conduct a local power analysis

5. Understand how dominant media sources and dominant media narratives normalize structural oppression

6. Define White Supremacy and understand how it is woven into the fabric of U.S. society

7. Discuss the foundations and philosophy of the Movement for Black Lives

8. Discuss the foundations and philosophy Immigrant Justice Movement

9. Discuss the foundations and philosophy Indigenous-led Justice and Climate Movements

10. Differentiate between social service and social change and the implications for each approach

11. Explore White Saviorism is and how it manifests within the Non-Profit Industrial Complex.

12. Explore what it means an ally or an accomplice with movements led by Black, Indigenous, and other marginalized communities and support social movements through best practices




Continuing Education Credits: 12 Social Work CEU's

Thursday, April 15, 2021
8:30 a.m. to noon
Per Participant
Cost includes BOTH days of virtual training.