Pre-Arrival Guide: Prepare for Hybrid Model
What is the Hybrid Model?
Courses meet both in-person and through virtual delivery with 51% or more of the instruction occurring through distance ed, either asynchronously or synchronously. Asynchronous content delivery takes place virtually without any scheduled meetings, whereas synchronous content delivery takes place virtually with scheduled meetings. The hybrid format is used when some of the course delivery requires hands-on or participatory learning scenarios in a physical format.
- Students will attend all scheduled in-person or synchronous meetings.
- For the distance ed portion of the class, students will need access to a computer with reliable Internet connectivity.
- If applicable, students will need to become familiar with synchronous meeting etiquette.
- For the in-person portion of the class, students should consider whether they are comfortable sharing a classroom space with other participants, wearing a mask and interacting with social distancing measures in place.
- Office hours will most likely be held virtually due to social distancing requirements.
WMU senior Ryan explains each of the five class formats offered by the University for the safe return to campus this fall.
How to prepare for the HYBRID MODEL
- Read about the five different course formats.
- Learn about your class delivery method at WMU's Course Offerings.
- Read and become familiar with WMU's Safe Return Plan.
- Review the facial covering (mask) policy that is available on the policies webpage.
- Technology requirements and technology tutorials are available at Elearning webpage and laptop recommendations.
Jessica Wilson's physician assistant lab over the summer was essentially a pilot for in-person instruction at WMU for the fall. From daily health screenings and frequent hand-washing to masks and social distancing, she details the strategies employed to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 while still ensuring a quality learning experience. The health and safety of the entire WMU community is our first priority.
How to Prepare for virtual classes
- Academic Support Services are ready to continue providing services from a distance.
- Technology Help Desk provides support via phone, email, and ITDirect.
- Elearning Tutorial provides a short video on how to get started with Elearning.
- Tools and Resources for online classes. These resources include WebEx, remote computer labs, GoVPN virtual private network information, laptop loans, and many other great resources.
- Library Assistance for citing, research, tools, and virtually connecting with a librarian.
- Course books are available at the WMU Bookstore.
As WMU prepares to welcome students back to campus for fall semester, Drs. Ed Martini and Gwen Athene Tarbox discuss how faculty have been working to enhance distance learning capabilities and deliver the best possible class experience.
Congratulations! You have completed the Western Michigan University Pre-Arrival Guide. We look forward to meeting you at International Student Orientation.