Department of Mathematics
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5248 USA
(269) 387-4510
Master of Science

Applied and computational mathematics
If you would like a broad background in the mathematical sciences including statistics, differential equations, mathematical programming and computational mathematics, then consider the Master of Science in applied and computational mathematics in the Department of Mathematics at Western Michigan University.
The use of mathematical models to study practical problems is emphasized throughout the program and will prepare you for professional employment in industry or government. By carefully selecting electives, you can also be prepared for further studies in mathematics or to teach mathematics.
The six-year schedule of courses will help plan your education to graduate in a timely manner.
Application instructions
WMU has a new online graduate application system that allows all students (domestic and international) to submit required information into one system. General application information for the University, as well as specific requirements for individual programs, are captured into this system.
Thank you for your interest in applying for this graduate program.
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