Doctor of Philosophy

Doctoral graduate


You may apply for the Doctor of Philosophy in mathematics with a master’s degree or directly upon completion of a bachelor’s program. In addition to satisfying the general admission requirements of the Western Michigan University Graduate College, you must have acquired a sufficient level of mathematical background as determined by the mathematics faculty of the Department of Mathematics.

The six-year schedule of courses will help plan your education to graduate in a timely manner.

WMU catalog description

Mathematics education

The Doctor of Philosophy in mathematics education focuses on K-12 mathematics curricula, teaching and learning mathematics and research and evaluation in mathematics education. Programs may focus on:

  • Preparation for mathematics education faculty positions in colleges and universities.
  • Supervision and curriculum development positions in school systems.
  • Evaluation positions in education-related institutions.

WMU catalog description


Application instructions

WMU has a new online graduate application system that allows all students (domestic and international) to submit required information into one system. General application information for the University, as well as specific requirements for individual programs, are captured into this system.

Thank you for your interest in applying for this graduate program.


Contact us for more information.


Each summer, course offerings are sensitive to sufficient enrollment and availability of qualified faculty to teach them. Thus, courses listed in the six-year plan may not be offered according to the indicated schedule. Students are advised to check schedules and meet with an advisor frequently for any changes in offerings that might affect their program plans.

Comprehensive exams

Dissertation Defenses

January 2025

Candidate: Pujiyanto
For the degree of: Doctor of Philosophy
Department: Mathematics
Title: Developing Symbol Sense: A Microgenetic Analysis of Students' Reading Through Algebraic Equations in a Developmental Mathematics Course
Committee: Dr. Jon David, Chair, Dr. Mariana Levin, Dr. Tabitha Mingus, Prof. Abraham Arcavi
Time/Place: Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 10 to 11 a.m.

January 2023

Candidate: Caryn Mays
For the degree of: Doctor of Philosophy
Department: Mathematics
Title: Irregular Domination in Graphs
Committee: Dr. Ping Zhang, Chair, Dr. Gary Chartrand, Dr. Clifton Ealy, Dr. Dinesh Sarvate
Time/Place: Wednesday, January 11, 2023, 9 to 11 a.m., Virtual meeting

Candidate: Andrew Bowling
For the degree of: Doctor of Philosophy
Department: Mathematics
Title: Zonality in Graphs
Committee: Dr. Ping Zhang, Chair, Dr. Gary Chartrand, Dr. John Martino, Dr. Ebrahim Salehi
Time/Place: Wednesday, January 18, 2023, 9 to 11 a.m., Virtual meeting


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