Placement Assessment
NOTICE: You need to read all of the information on this page and watch the two instructional videos below prior to starting ALEKS. Failure to do so may result in an inaccurate placement and hinder your ability to succeed academically at WMU.
Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces (ALEKS) is a web-based, artificially intelligent assessment and learning system. ALEKS uses adaptive questioning to quickly and accurately determine what a student knows and doesn't know in a subject. ALEKS then provides access to free learning modules on the topics you are prepared for.
ALEKS is an "assessment," not a graded test. The purpose of the placement assessment is to give good measure of your current skills and to place you so that you will be successful in your mathematics courses. Incorrect answers are used to guide ALEKS in determining the limits of your knowledge, so there is no benefit to cheating. Your only reward for cheating is being placed in a class that is too difficult for your current level of mathematical knowledge.
At the end of the ALEKS assessment, you will be given a better sense of your strengths and weaknesses in mathematics. You will then have the opportunity to build your skill set in the free Prep and Learning modules ALEKS assigns to you. The most important thing is that you take the assessment seriously and do your best.
ALEKS is an assessment, not a test.
Who needs to take ALEKS?
Under 27
Under 640
Students with an ACT Math subscore of less than 27 or SAT Math subscore of less than 640 must complete the ALEKS Math Placement Assessment prior to attending Orientation.
Frequently Asked Questions
ALEKS Placement Scores
ALEKS provides a percentage-based score for placement exams. Please see the table below for required scores for course equivalencies.
Please note: Algebra II is the minimum placement required for students who wish to enter the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Either Math 1220 or Math 1700 is acceptable for all calculus-based programs in the College.
ALEKS score
WMU Math Placement Prior to Fall 2025
0 - 13%
MATH 1090 Pre-Algebra
14 - 29%
MATH 1100 Algebra I
30 - 60%
MATH 1110 Algebra II
MATH 1160 Finite Math
STAT 2600 Data Analysis Using R
STAT 3660 Data Analysis/Biosciences
61 - 75%
MATH 1180 Pre-Calculus
MATH 2000 Calculus w/ Applications
STAT 2160 Business Statistics
76 - 100%
MATH 1220 or 1700 Calculus I
Beginning Fall 2025
ALEKS placement cut scores will change to the following:
ALEKS Assessment Instruction Videos
ALEKS Assessment Instructions
- Watch all 3 videos linked above before beginning
- Access the ALEKS Placement Assessment Here
- Sign in using your Bronco netID and Password
- You will be prompted to provide a code in order to access the assessment.
- The code is case sensitive and is all one word: FIVE69SUMMER
- When the ALEKS screen loads, click on the blue box and follow the directions.
- You will be asked to answer a few questions and complete the tools tutorial, then you can start the assessment!
ALEKS access code:
case sensitive, no spaces