Department of Mathematics
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5248 USA
(269) 387-4510
Six Year Course Schedule
The Department of Mathematics at Western Michigan University presents the six-year course schedule.
Estimated Course Offerings 2023-2028
Spring 2023 | 1520, 2540, 3300, 3510, 3520, 4080, 4400, 5220, 5710, 6050, 6070, 6310, 6570, 6760, 6880 |
Fall 2023 | 2530, 3400, 3500, 4050, 4500, 5070, 5100, 5300, 5501, 5700, 6501, 6510, 6540, 6700 |
Spring 2024 | 1520, 2540, 3300, 3510, 4080, 4400, 5511, 6080, 6300, 6400, 6590 |
Fall 2024 | 2530, 3400, 3500, 3550, 4020, 4500, 5070, 5501, 5700, 5720, 6020, 6460, 6501, 6510, |
Spring 2025 | 1520, 2540, 3300, 3510, 4080, 4400, 5220, 5511, 5740, 6540, 6760 |
Fall 2025 | 2530, 3400, 3500, 3550, 4050, 4500, 5070, 5100, 5300, 5501, 5700, 6501, 6510, 6700 |
Spring 2026 | 1520, 2540, 3300, 3510, 4080, 4400, 5511, 6080, 6300, 6400 |
Fall 2026 | 2530, 3400, 3500, 3550, 4020, 4500, 5070, 5501, 5700, 5720, 6460, 6501, 6540 |
Spring 2027 | 1520, 2540, 3300, 3510, 4080, 4400, 5220, 5511, 5740, 6020, 6760 |
Fall 2027 | 2530, 3400, 3500, 3550, 4050, 4500, 5070, 5100, 5300, 5501, 5700, 6501, 6700 |
Spring 2028 | 1520, 2540, 3300, 3510, 4080, 4400, 5511, 6080, 6300, 6400, 6540 |
Fall 2028 | 2530, 3400, 3500, 3550, 4020, 4500, 5070, 5501, 5700, 5720, 6460, 6501 |
- Courses at the levels 1000 through 3000 that do not appear in the list above are planned to be offered both in the Spring and the Fall semester of every year.
- Seminars are expected to be organized in both the Spring and Fall semester of every year.
These course offerings are subject to change. For mathematics degree planning, please contact an advisor in the Department of Mathematics. No advisor? Contact the department to be referred to an advisor: 387-4510 or