Math 1100 Algebra I Fall Semester


The purpose of all of the developmental mathematics courses is to support student success academically and beyond by advancing critical thinking and reasoning skills. Specifically in Algebra I, as a team, we will create and critique explanations and justifications.  We will also determine which tools/strategies are needed to complete an argument.  A theme throughout the semester is to examine statement to determine if it is sometimes true of always true.  Then justify the claim with examples if the statement is sometimes true or complete explanation of every possibility if the statement is always true.

The Developmental Math Program in the Department of Mathematics at Western Michigan University offers Math 1100, a mastery-based algebra course covering the arithmetic foundations of algebra, properties of real numbers, linear equations and inequalities and systems of linear equations.

This course serves solely as a prerequisite course.  Math 1100 does not satisfy any general education or essential studies requirement.




  1. Friday, October 6: 50 minutes
  2. Wednesday, November 8; 50 minutes
  3. Friday, December 1; 50 minutes

If you are unable to attend class on any exam day you must notify Kirsty Eisenhart (269) 387-4117  before the exam, so that she can assist you in a timely manner.


      1. Aug. 30 through Sept. 1: Course info, classroom environment, sometimes always
      2. Sept. 4 through Sept. 8: Classroom environment cont., Sometimes vs always, commutative property
      3. Sept. 11 through Sept. 15: Properties of numbers, Equivalent expressions, distributive property, expanding and factoring
      4. Sept. 18 through Sept. 22: More factoring and expanding, Polynomials and more sometimes vs always
      5. Sept. 18 through Sept. 22: Percent change and growth factor
      6. Oct. 2 through Oct. 6: Percent change and Exam 1
      7. Oct. 9 through Oct. 13: Solving equations continued, conditional, contradiction, identity
      8. Oct. 16 through Oct. 20: Parallel and intersecting lines connected to sometimes, always, never, Fall Break
      9. Oct. 23 through Oct. 27:  Literal equations, systems of equations
      10. Oct. 30 through Nov. 3: Systems of equations, modeling and forms of lines in context
      11. Nov. 6 through Nov. 10: modeling and forms of lines in context, Exam 2, systems of equations in context
      12. Nov. 13 through Nov. 17:  Graphing connected to sometimes, always, never, intro to functions
      13. Nov. 20 through Nov. 24: Linear Functions in Context, Thanksgiving Recess
      14. Nov. 27 through Dec. 1:   Linear, exponential or neither, and Exam 3
      15. Dec. 4 through Dec. 8: Linear, exponential or neither 
      16. Dec. 11 through Dec. 15: Final exams

Monday, October 30 is the last day a student can process an officially withdrawal from a class to avoid a failing grade.


There are many online videos on Algebra I topics. As with anything viewed on the Web, one should first sift through and determine which information is of value and actually correct. The director of the Developmental Mathematics Program recommends Algebra I students view the Khan Academy videos for Pre-Algebra and Algebra I.