Department Held Fifth Mathematics Prize Competition
Every year the Western Michigan University Department of Mathematics holds a Mathematics Prize Competition where undergraduate students from all of the University’s majors and disciplines are invited to compete. The goal of the one-day competition is to measure raw talent and is designed to tap into students’ creative problem solving skills.
The winners represent WMU in the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition, which hosts about 4,000 undergraduate participants in the United States and Canada each December.
2021 winners
1st prize of $500 awarded to Hardik Oswal,
2nd prize of $300 awarded to Daria Soboleva,
3rd prize of $200 awarded to Kumar Sanu,
4th prize of $100 awarded to Andrew Teachout,
5th prize (a tie) of $50 (each) awarded to Sagar Khadka and Yogesh Mahat.
The Department of Mathematics is very proud of the students' hard work and success!