Department of Mathematics
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5248 USA
(269) 387-4510
Using Learning Outcomes and Goals to Earn Your Goal Grade
Each activity will start with a list of learning outcomes and goals. Learning outcomes tell students what they need to be able to master in order to succeed on exams and homework. Learning goals tell students what they should do during class to maximize their mathematical growth during class. The biggest difference between the two is that an outcome can be measured (graded) and a goal cannot.
How to Use Learning Outcomes:
Prior to starting an activity
- Look over the outcomes listed and rank your knowledge level or comfort level on the outcome prior to doing the activity (in the first column).
- Note that a score of 1 would indicate no prior knowledge and a 5 would indicate mastery level knowledge or complete confidence in being able to answer questions testing this outcome.
- Doing this ranking prior to each activity will help students know when to pay close attention in class (pay close attention on questions assessing the outcomes that have a 1 or 2 indicated as prior knowledge level).
After an activity is completed
- Re-rank your knowledge level for each learning outcome (in the second column).
- For outcomes still ranked below a 3, put a check mark in pencil or erasable ink in the last column of this learning outcome. Then go to your instructor’s office hours or the math department tutor lab for further assistance with these outcomes.
- Erase the check mark once you feel confident with this learning outcome.
- This ranking process will quickly tell you what material to review prior to an exam, which will increasing your exam score potential.
Learning Goals guide exploration (playing) with the material:
- It is vital to actively participate during every class.
- Not participating would be like trying to learn to ride a bike by watching a video of others riding. Without playing and falling and re-attempting, you would not learn how to balance and ride a bike. A topic, whether it be physical or academic, cannot be learned without trying and failing and learning from mistakes.
- Playing while learning a physical activity comes naturally, but knowing how to play to learn academics can be overwhelming and/or unnatural. Learning goals are at the beginning of each activity to give ideas on how to play with the mathematics.
- Learning goals must be read just prior to the class in which the activity is started so that you know what to expect.