Hire a WMU Ph.D.
Brittany BRake
Primary field: American Politics and Political Theory
More information: Curriculum Vitae
Brittany Page Brake's research examines how the concept of utopianism is taught and perceived in political science, particularly in the United States. Her dissertation focuses on how college instructors in the U.S. use specific pedagogical strategies to teach students about the origins of utopianism, the vast spectrum of utopian ideas and texts, as well as the possibilities and usefulness of such ideas and novels for the betterment of social and political life. In addition, to her research interests include, ancient political thought, modern and contemporary political thought, state and local government, and interactions between the Supreme Court and the Constitution. She has taught American National Government and Critical Thinking in Politics.
Primary field: American Politics and Political Theory
More information: Curriculum Vitae
Sarah Perez’s current research focuses primarily on racial and ethnic politics in the United States and how different groups interact with each other and what affect that has on the political system of the United States. Her dissertation is titled “A House Divided Cannot Stand: The Case for Latino/African-American Coalitions,” which explores what attitudes are likely to produce support for coalition building among African Americans and Latinos. The main focus of the dissertation is the disentanglement of three sets of attitudes and how those sets of attitudes can serve to either support or discourage coalition building between the two groups. In addition to Sarah’s dissertation research, her other interests include racial and ethnic politics, Latino politics, African American politics, political behavior, and campaigns and elections. Sarah has taught American Government (PSCI 2000) and Critical Thinking about Politics (PSCI 1050).