Ticket Office
WMU Theatre Box Office
The box office is open on Tuesday-Friday from 1:00-5:00. On days of a performance, the box office will open an hour and a half before the performance time.
NOTE: The box office will be closed for the holidays starting December 12th and will reopen on January 6th. Please leave us a voicemail or email us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!
CALL: (269) 387-6222
EMAIL: theatre-info@wmich.edu
PLEASE NOTE: In order to ensure an enjoyable theatre experience for all of our patrons, babies and toddlers will not be admitted. We love your babies, but we are doing only full length shows meant for adult audiences this year. Please see each show page for age recommendations.
2024-2025 Season Passes
This year, we're providing a couple of new options for season pass savings. You can easily make reservations online using a personalized code or by calling the box office to reserve using your name.
8-ticket flex pass - attend any performance with up to 4 tickets per production | $150
6-ticket flex pass - attend any performance with up to 2 tickets per production | $114
Passes can be purchased online at the link below or through the box office in person or by phone.
When using a GPS or online map, use the following address:
1351 Theater Dr.
Kalamazoo, MI 49008