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Research, Innovation, and Creative Scholarship Celebration Week: The Power of Photovoice for Advancing Health, Gender, and Racial Equity: Reflections and Findings from Two Photovoice Studies

Posted by Christine Stamper for Research and Innovation

Photovoice is an innovative research method combining participatory photography and narratives of research participants. Dr. Shannon McMorrow will offer an overview of Photovoice, which she’s centered in her research over the past 12 years, including recent Fulbright research in Uganda. She will describe methods and findings of two recent studies:  Photovoice with WMU women university students of color and international students in 2021 and her research in Uganda using Photovoice with urban, Congolese refugee women in 2023. 

Research, Innovation, and Creative Scholarship Celebration Week is a cross-campus and community collaborative event to honor the research done by undergraduates, graduates, and faculty at WMU and WMed. For more information about the week's event visit ORI's website

Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Time: 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Location: Lee Honors College, Room 1014
Kalamazoo MI 49006 US