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Faculty Senate
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5332 USA
(269) 387-3310
Faculty Senate Presidents
President 2022-24
Education and Human Development
President 2020-22
Arts and Sciences
President 2018-20
Arts and Sciences
President 2016-18
Education and Human Development
President 2014-16
Health and Human Services
President 2012-14
President 2010-12
Arts and Sciences
President 2008-10
Arts and Sciences
President 2006-08
Health and Human Services
President 2005-06
Arts and Sciences
President 2004-05
University Libraries
President 2002-04
Arts and Sciences
President 2000-02
Engineering and Applied Sciences
President 1998-2000
President 1996-98
Education and Human Development
President 1994-96
Education and Human Development
President 1993-94
Arts and Sciences
President 1991-93
Health and Human Services
President 1989-90
President 1987-89
Arts and Sciences
President 1985-87
Arts and Sciences
President 1984-85
President 1983-84
Engineering and Applied Sciences
President 1981-83
Health and Human Services
President 1979-81
Engineering and Applied Sciences
President 1978-79
Arts and Sciences
President 1976-78
Arts and Sciences
President 1975-76
President 1973-75
University Libraries
President 1971-73
Arts and Sciences
President 1969-71
Education and Human Development
President 1967-69
Arts and Sciences
President 1966-67
Arts and Sciences
President 1964-66
University Libraries
President 1963-64
President 1961-63
Arts and Sciences
President 1960-61
Arts and Sciences
President 1959-60
Arts and Sciences
President 1958-59
Arts and Sciences