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Faculty Senate
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5332 USA
(269) 387-3310
Committee Leadership Training 2023-24
Training Presentation
Training Handout
The Faculty Senate uses the American Institute of Parliamentarians Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedures as its authority on meeting procedures.
Faculty Senate Standing Committees
Professional Concerns Committee
In addition to annual charges it may receive from the Faculty Senate Executive Board, the Professional Concerns Committee acts as the oversight committee for reviewing and monitoring all University policies and procedures dealing with academic conduct, including academic dishonesty, grade appeal and program dismissal issues.
WMU Essential Studies Executive Advisory Committee
Oversees the implementation, assessment, and revision of the WMU Essential Studies curriculum.
Ad Hoc Committees of the Executive Board
Ad Hoc Artificial Intelligence Committee
Explore how AI tools (e.g., ChatGPT, Claude, Alphacode) are and/or will be used on campus in teaching, grant writing, research, student work, assessment, faculty development, and infrastructure.
Ad Hoc Centers and Institutes Committee
Review and provide recommendations for the current WMU policy on center and institutes as approved in MOA-14/03.
Council Standing Committees
All-University Graduate Student Research and Creative Scholars Award Committee
Reviews applications and makes recommendations as to the recipients of All-University Graduate Student Research and Creative Scholars Awards.
All-University Graduate Student Teaching Effectiveness Award Committee
Reviews applications and makes recommendations as to the recipients of All-University Graduate Student Teaching Effectiveness Awards.
Service Learning Course Approval Subcommittee
review proposed service learning course syllabi to ensure courses meet minimum service learning criteria and to receive a service learning designation.
Transfer of Credit Committee
Reviews transfer policies and procedures.
WMU Essential Studies Course Review and Approval Committee
Reviews and approves WMU Essential Studies course proposals.