WMU Essential Studies Course Review and Approval Committee Membership

MEMBERSHIP: The composition of the committee can be found in the Faculty Senate Bylaws, Article VII: Committees, Sec. 2, and includes at least 12 members including a university advising council representative; the university curriculum manager, the WMU essential studies faculty director; and eight faculty members appointed by the WMU Essential Studies Executive Advisory Committee (one from each academic college and one at large), a WMU essential studies executive advisory committee representative as an ex officio member.

The WMU Essential Studies Course Review and Approval Committee requires 8 out of its current 14 voting members to be in attendance to establish quorum, as long as there are no Vacant seats, any Vacant seat(s) should be removed from the voting member total so that one more than half of the new total is needed for quorum. (*indicates a non-voting member)


Carol Weideman, Chair

Beth Ernst, Vice Chair

Kwangmin Lee, Secretary


Amy Naugle (fall 2024 substitute for Decker Hains)
Faculty Senate Executive Board

Brian Tripp
WMU Essential Studies Executive Advisory Committee

Permanent Appointed Members

*Jonathan Bush
WMU Essential Studies Faculty Director

*Lisa DeChano-Cook
Curriculum Manager

University Advising Council

Appointed Faculty Members

Kirsty Eisenhart (2023)
Arts and Sciences

Beth Ernst (2027)

Anne-Marie Guidy-Oulai (2026)
Representative-At-Large (Business)

Dana Hammond (2026)
Engineering and Applied Sciences

David Kemp (substitute for Matilda McLean for Spring 2025) (2026)

Kwangmin Lee (2027)
Representative-At-Large (Education and Human Development)

Vincent Lyon-Callo (2027)
Arts and Sciences

Mustafa Mirzeler (2026)
Arts and Sciences

Nathan Tabor (2027)
Arts and Sciences

Agatha Slupek (2026)
Arts and Sciences

Carol Weideman (2025)
Education and Human Development

Vacant (2025)
Fine Arts

Vacant (2025)
Health and Human Services


*Jacquelyn Bizzell
Arts and Sciences

*Nick Gauthier
Fine Arts

*Anthony Helms
Honors College

*Melinda Lockett
Health and Human Services

*Christine Robinson
Education and Human Development

*Colleen Stano

*Sharon VanDyken