WMU Essential Studies Executive Advisory Committee

Role statement

In addition to annual charges it may receive from the Faculty Senate Executive Board, the WMU Essential Studies Executive Advisory Committee oversees the implementation, assessment, and revision of the WMU Essential Studies curriculum.


WMU Essential Studies Course Approval and Review Subcommittee—reviews and approves courses for WMU Essential Studies credit received from college curriculum committees and deans and forwards its recommendations to the administration; reviews all previously approved WMU Essential Studies courses as least once within a seven-year cycle as determined by the committee.

Charges 2023-24

In addition to its specific responsibilities listed in the WMU Essential Studies Executive Advisory Committee's role statement and the work of subcommittees including but not limited to the WMU Essential Studies Course Review and Approval Committee, the Faculty Senate Executive Board charges the committee to consider, as a committee of the whole or through the appropriate subcommittee or task force, the following:

  1. Seat the WMU Essential Studies Course Review and Approval Committee, ensuring at least 51% of the committee is faculty.
  2. Develop and deliver charges for the WMU Essential Studies Course Review and Approval Committee for the 2023-24 academic year.
  3. Define the role of the WMU Essential Studies Course Review and Approval Committee in the WMU Essential Studies cyclic review process. Conclude the initiative by producing a report to the Executive Board or a Memorandum of Action.
  4. Review the 2022-23 continuous improvement data from the WMU Essential Studies Course Review and Approval Committee, noting significant findings for year four of the program review. Conclude the initiative by producing a report that includes recommended process changes to the Executive Board or a Memorandum of Action.
  5. Develop the comprehensive fourth year program review. Conclude the initiative by producing a report that includes recommended process changes to the Executive Board or a Memorandum of Action.
  6. Coordinate with the WMU Essential Studies Course Review and Approval Committee for the on-going course review and approval process, including a summary of results and best practices within the committee year-end report.
  7. Review, in consultation with the WMU Essential Studies Faculty Director, the WMU Essential Studies course portfolio in relation to WMU Essential Studies objectives, student enrollment and interests, WMU Essential Studies learning objectives, and other criteria to find opportunities for additional courses, including courses for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Planetary Sustainability student learning outcomes.
  8. Review and update the WMU Essential Studies Handbook as needed.
  9. Monitor the work of the Ad Hoc WMU Essential Studies Transfer of Credit Committee.
  10. Review the scope and description of the committee's role statement and assess the effectiveness of the committee's practices.
  11. At the annual April WMU Essential Studies Executive Advisory Committee meeting, the committee members must review the draft year-end report to include annual objectives and outcomes, to be submitted to the Faculty Senate office, by the committee chair no later than June 30.
  12. Address any continuing or outstanding issues or initiatives as directed by the Faculty Senate Executive Board, members of the committee, faculty, and/or academic administrators. Conclude the initiative by producing a report to the Executive Board or a Memorandum of Action.

Approved by the Faculty Senate Executive Board on July 28, 2023

NOTE: The WMU Essential Studies Executive Advisory Committee is expected to keep the Senate Executive Board apprised of progress, especially in connection with any memorandum of action (MOA) it may develop and to give advance notice of any action the committee seeks to place on the Senate agenda, including the final text of any proposed MOA, report or resolution. The Executive Board should also be notified of substantive procedural issue addressed by the committee.

The WMU Essential Studies Executive Advisory Committee chairperson shall provide a written summary of the committee's progress for the year; list the above charges noting each item's progress and current status; any other activities undertaken; and draft charges for the 2024-25 academic year, no later than June 30, 2024.

Click here for a printable version of the WMU Essential Studies Executive Advisory Committee's 2023-24 Charges