Ad Hoc General Education Design Committee

Committee charges

  1.  MODEL: Recommend model(s) of a revised general education curriculum informed by MOA-16/06 that merge(s) proficiencies (as defined in MOA-16/06) with content knowledge by scaffolding intellectual and practical skills across disciplines and curricula for a first reading at the March 2017 Faculty Senate meeting.
  2. NAMING: Engage the university community in the naming of the new general education curriculum and present the new name to the Faculty Senate for approval no later than the December 2016 Faculty Senate meeting.
  3. POLICY: Develop a draft policy to reflect the new general education curriculum and associated processes during the fall 2016 semester for final approval at the April 2017 Faculty Senate meeting.
  4. IMPLEMENTATION/ASSESSMENT: Develop and submit a time-bound action plan for the implementation and short- and long-term assessment of the new general education curriculum by the final meeting of the  2016-17 Faculty Senate.
  5. COURSE PROPOSAL: Develop a process to allow all colleges and units to propose new or existing courses for the new general education curriculum and establish a standing committee that reports directly to the Undergraduate Studies Council and is responsible for the review and approval of all proposed courses in the new general education curriculum.
  6. Report to the Faculty Senate Executive Board and the Faculty Senate as requested during the 2016-17 academic year.

Feb. 15, 2016 Self-Study Report of the Ad Hoc General Education Committee

MOA-16/06: General Education Revision

Supporting documentation for MOA

Jan. 12, 2017 Faculty Senate Presentation

Jan. 12, 2017 Program Description-DRAFT

Jan. 12, 2017 Program Model-DRAFT

Feb. 2, 2017 Faculty Senate Presentation

March 2, 2017 General Education Design Report

Committee Officers

Mervyn Elliott, Chair


Molly Lynde-Recchia, Vice Chair
World Languages and Literatures



Ex Officio Member

William Rantz
Faculty Senate Executive Board



Appointed Faculty Members

Staci Perryman-Clark



Elke Schoffers


Sarah Summy
Special Education and Literacy Studies


Kristina Wirtz



Appointed Administrative / Staff Members

Kevin Knutson
College of Arts and Sciences, Advising


David Reinhold
Associate Provost for Assessment and Undergraduate Studies



Recording Secretary

Sue Brodasky
Faculty Senate