Budget and Finance Subcommittee

Committee charges

  • Review current incremental budget model.
  • Review all appropriate incentive budget models.
  • Conclude any recommendations by producing a memorandum of action, report, or resolution to the Faculty Senate and the University.
  • Any and all memorandum of action, report, or resolution to be provided to the Campus Planning and Finance Council as of March 2016, and to the Faculty Senate as of April 2016.

Committee Officers

Todd Barkman, Chair

Cheryl Bruey, Vice Chair

Kelly Ackerson, Secretary

Ex Officio Member

Bret Wagner
Faculty Senate Executive Board

Appointed Faculty Members

Kelly Ackerson

Todd Barkman
Biological Sciences

Cheryl Bruey

Barbara Frazier
Family and Consumer Sciences

Tycho Fredericks
Industrial and Entrepreneurial Engineering and Engineering Management

Katherine Joslin

Jerry Kreuze

Appointed Administrative Members

Dawn Gaymer
Associate Provost for Extended University Programs

James Gilchrist
Vice Provost for Budget and Personnel and Chief Information Officer

Sherine Obare
Interim Associate Dean, Arts and Sciences

Colleen Scarff
Executive Director of University Budgets

Ann Tyler
Associate Dean, Health and Human Services