
About the drumline

The Bronco Drumline is a big part of football game days at Western Michigan University. Each year, the Bronco Drumline strives to reach a goal of excellence in performance. Being a member of the drumline requires a strong dedication to individual work, and trustworthiness to be personally accountable for your own excellence.

Please contact broncoband@wmich.edu with any questions.

2024 Drumline Auditions

Live auditions will take place in two rounds:

Round 1 will be held on Saturday, 5/4 from 9:00am - 4:30pm in Dalton Center

Round 2 will be held on Saturday, 5/187 from 9:00am - 4:30pm in Dalton Center

Please register and submit your entry by May 3, 2024. All instructions available here.


The Bronco Drumline is an ensemble-class in the School of Music open to students meeting the following criteria:

  • Successful completion of the audition procedure.
  • Official enrollment at Western Michigan University or admission to the dual enrollment program with a qualifying institution.

Membership in the marching band and the drumline is open to all interested students. Like all other band ensembles, marching band is an academic class taken for credit. All interested students are invited to audition for the band. The majority of marching band members are from academic disciplines other than music.

Due to limited marching positions, a limited supply of equipment, and a large number of people interested, membership in the drumline is by audition only.

At the start of the auditions, you are expected to have digested all the material in the drumline course packet. This material includes exercises, drum cheers, stand cheers, and cadence series, as well as all pregame material. More information is available on our drumline audition information page.


We offer an alternate program for students who do not pass the audition but demonstrate promise as a future member and a desire to learn and improve. The WMU drumline alternate program is designed to provide percussionists an opportunity to improve their rudimental drumming skills by association with the Bronco Drumline and its instructional staff. If a position on the drumline becomes vacant during the marching band season, alternates will be prepared to fill that position pending a competitive audition with other drumline alternates.

Alternates will:

  • Enroll in the class and receive credit like all other members.
  • Attend all Bronco drumline rehearsals and performances, not including sectionals (though attending extra Bronco drumline rehearsals outside of regularly scheduled rehearsals in an observer capacity is encouraged).
  • Receive instruction from Bronco Marching Band drumline staff.
  • Prepare all Bronco drumline repertoire.
  • Learn pregame and halftime drill in a “shadow” position on a rotational basis as determined by staff during band camp and class time rehearsals.
  • Rehearse on an individual and small group basis during regularly scheduled class times.
  • Fill vacant spots in the drumline during rehearsals and games as appropriate and determined by staff.
  • Be fitted for a uniform in the event the opportunity to fill a vacancy presents itself.
  • Assist staff with drumline logistics by facilitating maintenance and transportation of equipment.
  • Attend morning game day rehearsals dressed in Bronco Band “secondary” uniforms ready to participate in rehearsal, if necessary.
  • Attend all WMU home and away games where the Bronco Marching Band is performing dressed in professional attire as determined by staff.

Alternates will not:

  • Participate in game day warm-ups or performances with the Bronco drumline.
  • Perform in parades or the Season in Review concert.

For additional information about the drumline, please visit the frequently asked questions page or use the contact us form below.

Contact us