Form 1098-T

The 1098-T is a tax form used to assist parents and students in filing for education tax benefits and tax credits such as the Lifetime Learning Tax Credit and the American Opportunity Tax Credit. For more information on these credits, see IRS Publication 970 or consult your personal tax advisor.

How do I obtain my 1098-T

Form 1098-T is available through Heartland ECSI in late January for the previous calendar year. Students will have an opportunity to sign up for electronic delivery of the form. Students who do not sign up for electronic delivery by the deadline provided will have their 1098-T mailed to the local address on file at WMU by January 31. If no local address is available for a student, the 1098-T form is mailed to the permanent address. We encourage students to sign up for electronic delivery to promote sustainability and to allow students quicker access to their forms.

What if my 1098-T is not available online through Heartland ECSI

There are several reasons why Form 1098-T may not be available online through Heartland ECSI.

If the University has not received your SSN or ITIN, or if students do not input the correct address online access will be denied. A paper copy of your form will be sent by mail to your local address of record. If there is no local address on record, the system will default to your permanent address on record. WMU does not release a 1098-T without a valid address for the student.

Students may add their SSN or ITIN by submitting Form W-9S to the registrar's office in person, or by mailing to: Registrar, Western Michigan University, 1903 W Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, MI, 49008-5256. Form W-9S is available through the IRS in the forms section. WMU will not accept e-mailed W-9S forms. Please allow 5 to 7 business days for the 1098-T to be input and released to ECSI.

Students can update address information in GoWMU. Contact Bronco Express at (269) 387-6000 after adding a valid address to our system to have the 1098-T released to Heartland ECSI.


Please direct questions regarding accessing a 1098-T form to Heartland ECSI at (866) 428-1098.

Direct all other 1098-T related questions to Bronco Express by calling (269) 387-6000.

Please note that tax law is extremely complex and constantly changing. Accordingly, we advise staff members not to give tax advice to students or parents. Instead, we advise you to seek professional assistance from their personal tax adviser.

Frequently asked questions

Why is there no checkmark in Box 8 (“part-time”)

Box 8 will not be checked if you did not complete six credit hours during an academic period and/or you were a graduate student.

Why can’t I find my Form 1098-T on Hartland’s website?

We may not have your Social Security/Tax Identification number.  Check with the Registrar’s office.   If WMU doesn’t have your correct information you will need to complete Form W-9s and deliver or mail the form to the Registrar’s office. 

Do international students receive this form?

Students classified as nonresident aliens in the Western Michigan University student records system will not automatically be issued a 1098-T form, as they do not qualify for the U.S. education tax credits. Please contact the Internal Revenue Service or your personal tax preparer for assistance. If you are a resident alien, see the following question.

I am a resident alien, should I receive Form 1098-T?

Yes. Resident aliens are taxed the same as U.S. citizens and qualify for the U.S. education tax credits. However, as our current system only tracks U.S. citizenship, we have no records to indicate this status. 

How do I know if I am a resident alien?

You are a resident alien of the U.S. for tax purposes if you meet either the green card test or the substantial presence test for the calendar year being measured. See IRS Publication 519 for more information. A student in the U.S. on an F-1 or J-1 visa most likely meets the substantial presence test in the sixth year of presence. For more information, see Internal Revenue Service Publication 519 on the IRS website.

Undocumented students who pass the substantial presence test are taxed as resident aliens. Please note that you must provide us with your International Taxpayer Identification Number to receive Form 1098-T. Also, see the frequently asked questions for undocumented students below.

How do I know if I meet the rules to qualify as a resident alien?

Under the tax laws of the U.S., a resident alien can be defined as:

  1. A green card holder.
  2. A person meeting the substantial presence test.

How do I pass the Substantial Presence Test?

  1. Current year days in the U.S. X 1 = ______ days.
  2. First preceding year days in the U.S. X 1/3 = ____ days.
  3. Second preceding year days in the U.S. X 1/6 = _____ days.
  4. Total days in the U.S. = _____days (add lines 1, 2 and 3).

If line 4 equals or exceeds 183 days and you have been in the U.S. at least 31 days in the current year, you have passed the substantial presence test.

May I file a U.S. tax return without a Social Security number or individual taxpayer identification number?

No. The IRS will reject any individual U.S. tax return filed without either a Social Security number or individual taxpayer identification number.

What is an individual taxpayer identification number, and how do I obtain one?

An individual taxpayer identification number is a taxpayer identification number assigned to nonresident aliens and others who do not qualify to obtain a Social Security number. It is used for U.S. tax purposes only. It is obtained by filing form W-7 with the Internal Revenue Service. Please note the instructions require certain attachments to be filed with form W-7, such as a certified copy of your foreign birth certificate and a photo ID. You can find form W-7 and instructions on the IRS website.