Payments/Payment Plans
Tuition, fees, residence hall charges, University apartment rent, dining charges, health center charges, library fines, and other University-related charges on your student account can be paid by various payment options including cash, check, credit card, or electronic checking and savings. Alternatively, students may pay with third-party payments such as MET, MESP, 529 plans, or other state college prepaid accounts. Students may also provide third-party authorizations to Accounts Receivable for invoicing after the drop/add period.
Additionally, each semester WMU makes available a University payment plan to assist students in spreading out the cost of enrollment throughout the semester.
A convenience fee of 2.95 percent or $3, whichever is larger, is charged by Touchnet to process any domestic credit or debit card payments. A convenience fee of 4.25 percent or $3, whichever is larger, is charged by Touchnet to process any international credit or debit card payments. Credit or debit card payments can only be made online. There is no convenience fee for electronic checking and savings payments.