Accounts Receivable
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5210 USA
(269) 387-6000
For Students
Important links
- Address Change: Visit GoWMU
- Course Schedule: Visit GoWMU
- Payment Information
- Registration
- Registration; Drop and Add Classes: Visit GoWMU
- Tuition and Fees
- Tuition Due Dates
- Tuition Refund Deadlines
- Withdrawing from Classes
new student checklist
- Set up any Authorized Users to view billing information.
- Set up any Proxy Access to obtain financial aid and academic information.
- Set up electronic refunds to receive any future refunds quickly.
- If you have a 529 plan, contact your provider EARLY to allow processing time for payments.
- Be sure to review your tuition bill when you receive the email notification that it has been sent.
- Be sure to pay your tuition bill by the published due date.