August 2018 Newsletter

August 2018 Newsletter

Pictured is a student and supervisor in a factory.
ISM program top ten in the nation

The WMU integrated supply management program has been ranked No. 8 on Gartner's list of Top U.S. Supply Chain Undergraduate Programs.

Read more about the latest ISM ranking.

Pictured is a young female student in a computer lab.
Cybersecurity training

WMU is partnering with Merit Network Inc to offer noncredit, online professional development courses in cybersecurity training. The first of the eight-week courses starts Oct. 22.

Learn more about cybersecurity training at WMU.

Pictured are various Business Broncos with their families.
Business Broncos in network marketing

Several Haworth College of Business graduates share their stories of success in network marketing.

Read more about business alumni involved in network marketing.

Pictured is Dr. Kyle Brink in class.
HR student group recognized

The WMU chapter of the Society for Excellence in Human Resources has been recognized by the Society for Human Resource management for the eighth time in ten years.

Read more about the recognition.

Pictured is Tala Hamdan, a student.
Unite Schneider

The Unite Schneider social media campaign aims to share the stories of the students, faculty and staff of the Haworth College of Business.

Visit the Haworth College of Business Facebook page to read the stories.

Want to Blog? Pictured is the Bronco statue.
Alumni Unscripted

Interested in blogging about your experience and sharing it with other young alumni? Consider writing for Alumni Unscripted, a blog for young alumni of the Haworth College of Business brought to you by the college's Young Alumni Advisory Board.

Sign up to blog!


To suggest a story please contact:

Editor: Alyssa Benson
(269) 387-5964