Report an Experience

Official tracking for the Student Professional Readiness Series takes place in ExperienceWMU. You can access ExperienceWMU through your goWMU portal.


  • Attendance: Be sure to swipe your Bronco Identification Card at all time-bound events; this is the formal method for verification that you completed the activity.
  • Department or college reported: Some activities will be reported to a SPuRS representative by a faculty or department directly. Please allow time for this communication and updates to your progress to take place. Reach out to @email with questions.
  • Self-reported experience: Some of these opportunities are self-guided; report your experience in ExperienceWMU.

Some of the SPuRS-approved activities require you to report on your self-guided experience and fill out proper documentation in the SPuRS framework. Below is a step-by-step guide to walk you through the process:

  1. Log in to ExperienceWMU.
  2. Click on the "Student Professional Readiness Series (SPuRS)" tab found in the Paths section of the homepage.
  3. Click on "Foundational Level Activities" or "Advanced Level Activities."
  4. Click on the pillar that represents the experience for which you are seeking credit.
  5. Click on the instructions for the particular experience to review completion requirements.
  6. Click on the corresponding self-report form for the specific experience.
  7. Complete the required form and click "Submit" (Note: some experiences will require you to submit additional documentation. Please read the form prior to completing.)

Clicking “Submit” for the experience will send the information to the administrative side of the software. A SPuRS representative will review submissions within 1 to 2 business days. Please allow time for review and approval.


For more information, contact:
(269) 387-5131