Finding a passion for food marketing while working in a grocery store

John Schneidenbach is a junior in the food and consumer package goods marketing program in the Haworth College of Business. He is an executive committee member in the Food Marketing Association and has years of food retail experience from working at a local grocery store. He shares with us how his part-time job at a grocery store led to a passion for the food marketing industry and how the Haworth College of Business is preparing him for a career in that field.

Discovering a career path in a part-time job

I have been working part time at a grocery store for the past few years. The longer I work in the grocery industry, the more interested in food marketing I become. My experience in retail corresponds directly to the food marketing program at the Haworth College of Business as I am constantly working with the products we discuss in class. Having this firsthand experience helps me to better understand the topics covered in my program. The food marketing program has given me the opportunity to learn more about the industry I am passionate about, and I look forward to finding a career in the field. 

Gaining essential business skills

In order to get the most out of your college experience, it is important to get involved. There are hundreds of registered student organizations that will greatly enhance your college experience by connecting you with other students and employers. The Haworth College of Business is connected to so many business professionals that help equip you for the professional world. The opportunities to network and meet with employers has given me exposure and has prepared me for a career in food marketing.

I have had the opportunity to greatly develop and improve my business skills in the classes offered at the Haworth College of Business. In the introduction to food marketing class, students get direct access to local employers, presenting their case studies to these business professionals. The assignments in this class helped me to improve essential business skills such as communication, critical thinking and presenting.

Preparing for the future

I am excited to have the opportunity to work full-time in the food and consumer package goods fields. After my experience in retail, I look forward to learning more about the corporate side of this industry. I am confident that my college experience is giving me what I need to work in my field of study and be successful.