Jeff Huang, B.B.A.'19

Professional photo of Jeff Huang in a suit and tieJeff Huang’s journey after graduation began with a bump in the road. The job he had lined up as marketing manager for a local restaurant fell through, and he found himself reassessing his path. “I was upset, but I knew all I had to do was find a new opportunity,” says Huang. As the months passed, he began to lose confidence in the possibility of landing his dream job. Then, the connections he built during his time at the Haworth College of Business kicked in. “Dr. Scott Cowley sent me a message after seeing a social media post I created about my job search asking how he could help. We met up to go over interview tips, which was helpful,” recalls Huang. “Later, Dr. Cowley attended a search engine optimization conference where he met the SEO manager for Internet Brands. They discussed job openings, and Dr. Cowley mentioned me to him. A few weeks later, I interviewed for the position and landed the job.”

Now, Huang serves as an SEO analyst for the company and is happy with the path he took. “The skills I learned as a digital marketing and eCommerce major transferred seamlessly to the job I have now,” explains Huang. “My homework assignments were hands-on and creative. I built my own website, which introduced me to HTML. Getting certified in Google Analytics was a huge help because I use analytics and Google Search Console every day. The Haworth College of Business gave me the opportunity to learn by doing, and I am thankful for that.”

Huang is now happily immersed in the business world and has been able to identify some of the most important qualities for a team member in the current environment. “We need to be empathetic and ethical. In times like these, showing empathy to your co-workers reassures and makes teams more cooperative and nimble,”  says Huang. “I also think it’s important to use your curiosity to engage in problem-solving, show initiative and share your ideas.”

“If I could give any advice to current students, I would encourage them to try new things. College gives you the chance to explore who you are. Join registered student organizations, build connections, get to know your professors and learn as much as you can,” says Huang. “What you put into your college experience is what you will get out of it. Take advantage of the time and resources you have.”