Goal-oriented student aspires to serve and succeed


Alexis Lenderman
Following a difficult childhood that culminated in a positive foster family during high school, Alexis Lenderman, a junior majoring in entrepreneurship, is determined to not only achieve her career goals, but also to help others do the same.

In her quest to do so, Lenderman’s schedule can appear exhausting—study abroad, entrepreneurial activities, two majors, volunteer work and multiple student organizations—but what helps her stay on track is a list of goals she keeps on her desk. Here are her “before age 30” goals (there is a separate list for her “after age 30” goals) and how she is working to achieve them. 

  • Participate in at least 5 study abroad programs—Lenderman has spent a semester in South Africa, participated in short-course program in the Dominican Republic and is enrolled in the India Gateway Program for December 2016. In summer 2017, she will complete an internship program in Italy, and then go straight to South Korea for the Kyung Hee University Summer Global Collaborative Program.

    “The greatest thing that I learned abroad is to be alone and enjoy my own company. I have always been uncomfortable in silence by myself. This gives me too much time to think—about my past, pain, insecurities, mistakes, what I should be doing right now, and what I need to be doing later. While in South Africa, I learned to embrace doing things on my own, whether it was touring Kirstenbosch National Botanical Gardens, flying to Botswana to visit a friend from high school, or attending a TEDx Cape Town Event.”
  • Graduate with a 4.0 GPA and Honors! Lenderman found her entrepreneurial passion by participating in a Study in the States course focused on startup communities. As a result, she changed her major to entrepreneurship. Her excitement for these endeavors drives her GPA.

    The Study in the States course introduced me to a whole new world and changed everything for me,” says Lenderman. “That course and my professor pushed me outside of my comfort zone and challenged me. As a result, I have found my true passion.”
  • Help 500 students with The Scholarship Expert—Having spent her teen years in foster care, Lenderman became eligible for WMU’s renowned Seita Scholarship program, which provides financial assistance as well as support for navigating college. As a Seita scholar, Lenderman is grateful for the assistance she has secured and for the foster program that helped her refocus her life. In January, she launched The Scholarship Expert, an organization dedicated to helping students secure the scholarships they need not only to complete college, but to experience the world through study abroad.
  • Open “R U Cereal?”—She participated in Starting Gate, WMU’s student business accelerator, to help launch “R U Cereal?” Adding a second major, food service administration, and a new minor, non-profit Leadership, are feeding her knowledge for running the company.
  • Get my master’s degree from Columbia or NYU—After high school,Lenderman attended the University of Michigan-Flint before transferring to WMU. After a major change, acceptance into the Lee Honors College and some new goals, she is set to graduate in April 2018. Graduate school may come later.
  • Make a GLOBAL impact and work for the United Nations—Participating in the Model UN club at WMU is just the start.
  • Join the Peace Corps—Lenderman exudes service and says her foster experience developed her desire to help others. Plans to join the Peace Corps are an extension of this experience. 

My foster mom opened my eyes to the power of generosity, love and gratitude. Living with my foster family forever changed my outlook on life.” 

  • Speak at a Ted Talk and get an article about myself and my company in Entrepreneur Magazine

Determined and goal oriented, Lenderman says her foster family helped her learn a way of life that contrasts with her childhood. A way of life that is driving her to succeed while remaining focused on helping others.