Matt Moss, B.B.A.'08

Hit the Ground Running!

Matt Moss interned with Ally Financial Inc. (formerly known as GMAC) while in college and was offered a full time position after graduation in the SEC reporting group, producing the company’s annual 10-K and quarterly 10-Q’s. This position helped Moss gain a thorough understanding of the company across departments and allowed him to meet executives at the highest level of the company. From there, he moved to a position in the capital markets finance group where he expanded and improved reporting to traders and finance management consultants. His initiative in improving reporting processes resulted in a promotion to senior financial analyst.

In addition to his busy career and doing his best work every day, Moss is pursuing higher education. He recently passed all three levels of the CFA program and will soon be granted his CFA charter. He is also anxious to begin a full-time MBA program at the Columbia Business School in New York City this fall.

“My academic experience at the Haworth College of Business allowed me to hit the ground running with disciplines in finance, accounting, and general business,” Moss comments, “These concepts allowed me to operate with limited hand-holding on the job and take leadership roles in bigger picture problems.”

Moss supports Western as a member of the WMU Alumni Association and by contributing to the Haworth College of Business’ Annual Fund and by recruiting current Broncos to work for Ally.