Laura Muth, B.B.A.'14—Embracing Change

Photo of Muth


Facing challenges is what Laura Muth, B.B.A.’14, does best. After changing her major to sales and business marketing during her junior year, Muth had a lot of work ahead of her. Changing majors halfway through her college career took her out of her comfort zone but also opened up new opportunities.

She embraced the change by joining business fraternities, attending career fairs, meeting and interviewing with various companies, and committing full force to her studies.

“My academic experience in the college of business helped me tremendously by teaching the ins and outs of sales,” says Muth.

Learning about negotiation in Assistant Professor of Marketing Dr. Kelly O’Reilly’s, advanced selling strategies class, is what she will take with her to future jobs. When first learning about negotiation, she was hesitant about talking prices.

“Negotiating is an important skill to learn because it is always happening on the floor; you want to make your customer and carriers happy,” says Muth.

All of her hard work paid off when she was offered an internship at Coyote Logistics. After her training, she was placed in the carrier sales department where she worked with owner-operator truck drivers and worked collaboratively with the owner-operator team to drive revenue growth with new and existing customers for the company.

“I knew that I wanted a challenge each day I walked into work, and I landed the carrier sales position by working hard in my training classes,” says Muth.

Muth had an interesting experience with a husband-and-wife carrier team she worked with every day during her internship. Thankful for all the hard work Muth put into her job, the husband and wife team sent her flowers to show their appreciation.  

“You start building relationships with people; you learn about their families, their lives and even what they did that past weekend,” says Muth. “It is unlike anything I have ever experienced before, and it surprised me how you can build such a connection with someone who works for you without ever meeting them face-to-face.”

After graduation, Muth will pack her bags and move to Chicago to start her journey as a full-time employee at Coyote Logistics.

The biggest inspiration in Muth’s life is her dad. His compassion and drive for life inspires her to live the same kind of life.

“I look up to him  because I want to be as hard-working and dedicated as he was; he always puts others ahead of himself, and he loves and would do anything for his family,” says Muth.