Graduate Funding

Male graduate students in class


The School of Communication offers graduate teaching assistantships that include teaching discussion sections of our basic course, or specific introductory courses as an instructor of record, or assisting faculty in large lecture courses. A full-time assistantship involves a 20 hour per week commitment. As a graduate assistant, you will be required to enroll in at least 6 graduate hours each semester.


Teaching assistantships provide an annual stipend plus a tuition waiver of 9 credits per semester, credits not used in fall or spring semester may be used in summer terms. New teaching assistants (TAs) receive intensive training from a faculty supervisor prior to the semester they begin teaching, as well as structured mentoring and teaching development throughout their first year.

Required qualifications

  • Meet enrollment requirements
  • Regular admission to the School of Communication Master of Arts program
  • Remain in good academic standing

Preferred qualifications

  • An undergraduate degree in communication
  • Instructional, research, or creative activity experience, or a combination of such experiences

Assistantship Application Letter and Process

All assistantship applications are reviewed alongside your application for admission to the graduate program. The application letter is in addition to your personal statement required for graduate admission. 

Email your assistantship application letter to by Feb. 1 of the academic year for which you are applying.

Consider the following as potential topics in your application letter (approximately total of 500 words). 

1. What experience and/or interest do you have in:
      a). teaching (e.g., traditional classroom, tutoring, formal training others in the workplace, group leadership experience)
      b). research (e.g., course projects, independent studies) / creative activities (e.g., film production, media campaigns, event 

2.What professional and/or personal outcomes do you desire from a teaching assistantship?


Thurgood Marshall Fellowship

The Thurgood Marshall Fellowship is a highly competitive award offering an annual stipend plus tuition remission for incoming master's or doctoral level students at WMU. Master’s level fellowships are awarded for one year with the possibility of renewal for a second year. The deadline for applications is Feb. 15.