Recent communication graduates making impact in the workforce

Every year the Career and Student Employment Services Office at Western Michigan University surveys recent graduates regarding post-graduation activities and publishes a university-wide report of its findings. Based on responses from 83% of School of Communication graduates who majored in Communications Studies and Interpersonal Communication between August 2014 and June 2015, these alumni are experiencing great success in their post-graduation activities. Some of the most telling statistics are listed below.

  • 94% of undergraduate students and 82% of graduate students are either employed or pursuing continuing education.
  • Median earnings for undergraduates was $35,000-$40,000 and $50,000 - $55,000 for graduate students.
  • 85% of those employed full-time said their job is related to their degree and 100% are satisfied with their job.
  • 72% of those employed full-time are located in Michigan.

Information about our other majors can be found in the full report.