
As all avenues of human endeavor become more technologically oriented, the demand for employees with expertise in mathematics expands. Mathematics is an excellent major for students interested in careers in industry, government, business and education.The Department of Mathematics at Western Michigan University offers the following career information.

Job listings

Some of the mathematical societies that maintain lists of job opportunities and government job listings:

Career services

WMU's office of Career and Student Employment Services offers assistance with career questions and job search preparation to all mathematics and statistics majors.

Different majors for different career areas

Job opportunities exist for the trained, competent mathematician in many areas. Both opportunities and rewards are enhanced by graduate study and/or the development of competence in mathematics related areas, especially in computer science. Students who love mathematics and want to put it to work for themselves and society should seek advice, select their major and prepare for the adventure of being a mathematician.

Applied mathematics

Applied mathematics covers a vast territory, but basically it means using mathematics to solve problems in some discipline other than mathematics. The applied mathematician:

  • Is primarily concerned with concrete solutions to real-world problems, whereas the pure mathematician may often need to extend pure mathematics to fit current situations.
  • If not employed by an academic institution, is probably working either for industry or government.
  • Frequently works as a member of a team of engineers and scientists modeling problems such as systems analysis and quality control.
  • In government service is likely to be working with statistics, numerical analysis, differential equations or operations research.
  • Will work with computers and have training in some area of science.
  • With a bachelor's or master's degree in mathematics will earn a starting salary comparable in other science related areas.

Two decades ago industrial mathematicians were primarily concerned with problems requiring advanced calculus, differential equations, mechanics or statistics for their solution. Recently, applications involving combinatorics, probability, numerical analysis or linear programming have grown much more common and the job market for applied mathematicians is expanding. Henry O. Pollak, head of the math research center at AT&T, ranks mathematics as one of the most important driving forces creating new technologies.

Actuarial science

Another field in which you can apply your mathematical knowledge is actuarial science. An actuary is a mathematician who:

  • Combines mathematical training (calculus of both finite and infinitesimal differences, probability and a heavy emphasis on statistics) with a business background (accounting, insurance law, underwriting procedures, investment, etc.).
  • Conducts the financial affairs of an insurance company including matters pertaining to premiums, cash values, dividends, etc., or works for the government or consulting firms.

There is a pressing need for actuaries across the country. Graduates with a bachelor's degree typically accept employment while preparing for the series of 10 examinations prescribed by the Society of Actuaries (the first two may be taken as an undergraduate). Passing all the exams is roughly equivalent in prestige and salary (and degree of difficulty) to attaining a Ph.D. in other areas. The advantage is that an actuarial trainee can earn a full salary and gain valuable on-the-job experience throughout the several years it takes to pass the exams.

Starting salaries (bachelor's level) are highly competitive with other careers for mathematics majors. Salaries increase steeply, depending on the number of exams passed, with expectations in excess of $50,000 per year for actuaries who eventually become senior executive officers of their companies. Prospective actuaries should probably major in statistics with Advanced Calculus 1 (Math 5700) as an elective and take appropriate courses in the Haworth College of Business.


Mathematics teaching positions exist at all levels from elementary schools through universities. For those interested in teaching in:

  • Elementary grades, the minor in science and mathematics provides excellent preparation.
  • Middle school, the elementary and middle school mathematics is an option.
  • High school mathematics, choose the secondary mathematics teaching major.
  • Two-year colleges and universities, plan on graduate work in mathematics. Undergraduate preparation for a career in college or university teaching would usually be the general mathematics major.

Although starting salaries for mathematics teachers are not always competitive with those in industry, teaching can be an interesting and satisfying career. An advantage of teaching is that summers provide opportunities for study in advanced degree or enrichment programs, supplementing income with summer work or independent study and relaxation.