Spring Conference Registration

Registration and Nominations

Information packets will be mailed to all high school band directors in Michigan around February 1. Forms are submitted online. Nomination and registration forms should not be submitted before each nominee's 2025 solo/ensemble festival rating is known. The deadline for submitting online nominations and registration is Friday, February 28.

Each high school band director in Michigan may nominate as many as four of their best players for participation in the 120-member Viet Cuong All-Star Band which will rehearse and perform in Miller Auditorium on Spring Conference day. Band directors must submit their all-star nomination form and registration form no later than Friday, February 28.

The registration form should be submitted at the same time as the nomination form. Please verify student availability before you nominate them. Additional conference information will be mailed to all who register. While there is a nominal participation fee for each all-star band member ($45 payable the morning of the conference), all other interested high school band members and directors may attend the day-long conference free of charge. We do ask, however, that those directors interested in attending submit the registration form. Additional conference information is mailed to each director who submits this form.


Each Michigan high school may nominate a maximum of four students for the Viet Cuong All-Star Band. Each nominated high school student must be able to be at Western Michigan University from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Thursday, April 10, 2025. Be sure to confirm each student’s availability before nominating them!

Recorded audition

We encourage you to submit a recorded audition for every nominee. First-chair aspirants must include a recorded audition. A recorded audition will be especially helpful to an outstanding student who has not participated regularly in S/E festivals. An individual recording for each candidate is required if a recorded audition is submitted.


Nomination Forms, Registration Forms, and Recorded Auditions must be submitted no later than Friday, February 28, in order to guarantee your students the right to be considered for this all-star ensemble. Thank you!

Student 1
Recorded auditions may be submitted electronically by February 28. Please only put one nominee per file.
One file only.
30 MB limit.
Allowed types: mov, mp3, wav, mp4, m4a.
Student 2
Recorded auditions may be submitted electronically by February 28. Please only put one nominee per file.
One file only.
30 MB limit.
Allowed types: mov, mp3, wav, mp4, m4a.
Student 3
Recorded auditions may be submitted electronically by February 28. Please only put one nominee per file.
One file only.
30 MB limit.
Allowed types: mov, mp3, wav, mp4, m4a.
Student 4
Recorded auditions may be submitted electronically by February 28. Please only put one nominee per file.
One file only.
30 MB limit.
Allowed types: mov, mp3, wav, mp4, m4a.