Qualifying for ATYP

Information meetings about the talent search and qualifying for ATYP are held virtually and in-person during late October and early November each year. A video of the presentation is available after the last meeting. You may register to receive a link to the virtual meeting or to receive a recording of the online meeting.

Students typically qualify for ATYP by taking the high school SAT or ACT during the winter and spring. Recently we have also started offering a portfolio path to ATYP eligibility, however if you use this method you may only pick either math or English (not both) and the portfolio deadline is earlier.

information about Qualifying for ATYP

The Academically Talented Youth Program in Western Michigan University’s Office of Precollege Programming is an advanced and accelerated educational opportunity for academically talented middle and high school students. The program is designed to provide a challenging, fast-paced and above-grade-level curriculum for motivated students.

Through personalized and intense instruction and rigorous coursework, students are prepared for Advanced Placement content after two years of ATYP classes. The program strives to teach students based upon their intellectual capacity, not their year in school.

The Program

  • Focuses on students who are highly gifted in math and/or language arts.
  • Begins to identify appropriate students during their sixth grade year.
  • Enrolls students in their seventh or eighth grade year.
  • Provides middle school students with high school curriculum at a rate and depth that meets their unique talents.
  • Allows school districts to give their most advanced students the curriculum they need, when they are ready for it, with the acceleration and intensity they require.


  • Advanced and accelerated instruction
  • High school credit
  • Intellectual challenge
  • Like-ability peers
  • Open discourse and debate
  • Study skills
  • Self-confidence

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