
Student with paper mask in front of her face

Directions for qualifying for ATYP for 2024-25

The traditional way to qualify begins in the fall of each year; middle school counselors are asked to identify students in their schools who might qualify for more challenging learning opportunities. Typically, any student who scores at the 90th percentile level on a grade-level national or state assessment is invited to learn about Northwestern University’s Center for Talent Development Assessment (CTD Assessment) program. This model identifies students needing additional challenge and provides them with above-grade-level testing.

High-potential students are invited to participate by taking the online SAT with CTD Assessment  or the in-person ACT. To ensure that the office receives your SAT scores you must select Academically Talented Youth as your school and send your ACT score to ATYP using school code 6007. You may also email or mail ATYP a copy of your scores when you receive them.

ATYP accepts test scores from the October to May testing dates to qualify for the following school year.  You can qualify using the June test if absolutely necessary but doing so will reduce the amount of time available for summer homework. Taking the test later in the school year does not make it easier to get into ATYP. ATYP does not utilize the PSAT for entry into the program; to qualify for ATYP you must take the ACT or the SAT.

For current in-person test takers testing in person: if you have not received your admission ticket by the Monday before the exam, you may contact the testing company (for ACT test takers call (319) 337-1270, for in-person SAT test takers call (866) 756-1270). For general CTD Assessment or virtual SAT test questions, you may contact them at (847) 491-3782 ext. 2.

SAT: no prior algebra: Math Section Score ≥ 540

With one year algebra: Math Section Score ≥ 570

ACT: no prior algebra: Math ≥ 20 as well as a combined (math + reading) ≥ 38

With one year algebra: Math ≥ 22 as well as a combined (math + reading) ≥ 40

SAT: English Section Score ≥ 520 

ACT: combined (English + reading) ≥ 46 with neither below 22

A qualifying SAT or ACT score in your mailbox does not automatically register you for ATYP. If you have taken the SAT or ACT and have not heard from our office by May 1, or one month after test taking (whichever is later), please mail, email or fax us a copy of the scores. You will be required to complete an additional assessment to verify eligibility. See the specific qualifying directions for more information.

Emails are sent to all testing students at the end of April (if we have a copy of your scores), regardless of whether you qualify. Assessment participants who receive a qualifying score on the SAT or ACT are then invited to attend a more detailed session at WMU in May. Qualifying students will receive a link to the online registration site. Registration (in which you agree to pay $50 three times per year) is not complete until the form has been successfully submitted.

If you have any questions regarding receipt of test scores, qualification, or the registration process, please do not hesitate to call us at (269) 387-3553 or email atyp-info@wmich.edu.

For more information, check out this year's specific qualification steps.