Common Core Standards
The Academically Talented Youth Program has spent much time in the past few years evaluating and adjusting course content to meet and exceed the standards that the state has given for math and language arts. We have aligned our content to match the Common Core Standards as the state requires.
In our math program, we teach Algebra I and Algebra II the first year, using the Prentice-Hall High School Math Series, which has content designed to ensure that we meet the old High School Content Expectations for Michigan. In our second year of mathematics, we teach geometry and precalculus. We continue to use the Prentice-Hall series for Geometry. For precalculus, we use the text, "Precalculus Enhanced with Graphing Utilities: 5th Edition" by Sullivan and Sullivan. For the most part the books align to the new Common Core Standards as well, with an addition of some lessons on statistics. We are still working on a mapping document to show how the ATYP math curriculum meets the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice. The alignment record below demonstrate how this program utilizes each book to meet the Common Core Standards listed.
In our Honors English 9/10 and 11/12 classes, our students read several types of literature, complete interactive projects, and compile a large portfolio of written work each year. To show alignment to the Language Arts Common Core Standards, we created a chart to show how we meet and exceed the expectations overall in the two courses.
If you would like to learn more about the Common Core Standards, check out the Common Core State Standards website. You can also find more information on the Michigan Department of Education website.
If you have any questions regarding how our courses fit into the Michigan Merit Curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (269) 387-3553 or