
The Upward Bound Program provides opportunities for participants to succeed in their precollege performance and ultimately in their higher education pursuits. With a strong emphasis on academic success, the Upward Bound Program provides students with preparatory courses to increase their opportunities to excel in high school and prepares them for post-secondary education. By implementing student development theories, it is our desire that each student will experience social, intellectual and individual growth upon the completion of the program.


Western Michigan University’s Upward Bound motto is “The Choice is Yours!” There are no shortcuts in life to achieve success. Either we choose to work hard or we choose to apply little effort. The Upward Bound Program at WMU strives to empower students by guiding them to make healthy and conscious choices that will impact their lives. Utilizing teachable moments in the event of a poor choice helps students learn from their mistakes. Positive reinforcement during healthy choices encourages students to continue with desired behaviors. Giving our students a choice empowers them with responsibility and accountability.